Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Dream Chamber Field Report 8 : The Young Warrior Stand Again When the Sun Rises

malam itu sekelompok warrior bertempur melawan RB. diantara mereka ada seorang warrior muda yang masih hijau dan kurang berpengalaman. satu diantara beberapa veteran warrior yang sudah malang melintang di jalur perburuan momon.

mereka bertempur di malam hari, melawan momon yang berbentuk seperti Orc Overlord Timak. kemudian young warrior tersebut tewas dan balik ke ressurect point. di sana saat akan berangkat kembali ke tempat RB, seorang musuh datang untuk mencuri senjatanya. young warrior tersebut melawan dan sekali hajar, musuh tersebut KO.

saat young warrior tersebut sampai di tempat momon, RB sudah selesai. pertempuran berat sudah usai. young warrior tersebut duduk mengambil nafas di puncak sebuah bukit. di belakangnya matahari terbit. young warrior itu bangit menghadap sang matahari.

hari baru telah dimulai....

when the sun rising, i heard this song in my dream
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this dream probably telling about my story. today, i decided to leave her.
i erase her YM account from my messenger. i will never refill my cellphone number again. because i couldnt erase her number or her messages from it, so that i couldn't contact her by phone or by short messages.

i still love her. but i couldnt stop feel jealous about her. i cant stand it if she already found somebody new.

while there is already someone who makes me feel happy whenever she is not around. but i will be morn again whenever she is around.

if she only gives me nothing but sadness NOW, but i still laughing everytime i remember about her, then it would be better for me to leave her.

because i only love her love, not her.

if she is the one, and return to me one day, i will welecome her, of course

i bid a sad farewel to the Raid Boss, and welecome the rising sun for a new day. yesterday will be a memories, the new day will be another battle, and tomorow will be a hope.

life goes on, anyway